"An afterimage is an image that continues to appear in the eyes after a period of exposure to the original image." That is the starting point for this project. At first, it didn't mean anything. I thought of the name at random. Frankly, I just wanted something that sounded interesting. Now, I've decided to apply meaning to it.

What afterimage or rather "aftrimage" means is still open to interpretation. For now it is space for me to grow as a designer, programmer, and artist. A first step to a bigger plan to collect and execute ideas, gather artists of all mediums, and inspire others to work on what gives them joy. This is the type of work that you choose to stay up late to do. Not something you feel like you have to do but something you feel compelled to.

Moving to the United States in the early 2000s I learned how to speak English and became acclimated to a new culture. After moving from Buffalo, NY I arrived in Dallas where I spent the rest of my childhood until moving to Sydney, Australia in 2017 at 18. In 2021, I returned to Dallas, to begin the next chapter of my life after my time in Sydney. I mention all this because my experiences in life are where I draw the neccessary inspiration for the work I do. Using these experiences, I make observations, notice what stands out, what becomes tired and redundant, and use these insights to place concepts from the immaterial to the material through whatever medium is neccessary or whatever medium my current skill set allows.

My hope is when you look at my work, it stays with you much like an afterimage and with that you are inspired to create something for yourself.



Project Client Date
Motion Graphic Bookclub.Studio - USA May 2022
Logo Bookclub.Studio - USA April 2022
Single Cover Comfort Club - USA April 2022
3D animations St.Humain & Emotional Sauna - AUS Dec 2021
3D models St.Humain & Emotional Sauna - AUS Dec 2021
motion graphic Bianca Salinas - USA Dec 2021
single cover Bianca Salinas - USA Dec 2021
www.aftrimage.com - update Personal - USA Nov 2021
www.thecharmband.com The Charm - USA Nov 2021
wineglass motion-graphic 19&You - USA Nov 2021
www.aftrimage.com Personal - USA Oct 2021
python course Personal - AUS Feb 2020
java course Personal - AUS Feb 2020
st.humain merchandise St.Humain - AUS Feb 2019
merchandise Young Adults Event - AUS Jan 2018
community event Ktizo - USA Jan 2017
community event Ktizo - USA Nov 2016
community event Pioneer - USA Apr 2016


29 May 2022 "My external hard-drive with all of my designs was recently corrupted so I'm taking it as an opporunity to start over. I'll be redesigning my website and create a completely response site through React."
16 April 2022 "I was locked out of editing my website for a few weeks but in that time, I've learned SQL and C++. Did my first project where I parsed data with C++, currently taking a data structures and algorithims course to become a better programmer."
2 Mar 2022 "Today I've made significant progress with javascript and a project I've been working on for an extended period of time. After some research the concepts I've learned are all starting to click."
6 Feb 2022 "So far this year has been great, the work I've been doing with the videos seems to be having a positive return. I designed a shirt that I'm happy with and will more than likely release a hoodie and one other shirt along side it. These clothes aren't exactly what I'd like to be making, I want custom garments, to be able to control the silhouette but currently the most cost effective option is using printful and the preselected blanks they have. Eventually as I earn more with my work I will definetly be able to invest in making a whole line of jewelry, jackets, pants, etc. But I'm happy with biding my time and being patient for what I eventually would like to acomplish."
12 Dec 2021 "It has almost been two months since I've offically launched this site and I couldn't be more happy with the progress. Really looking forward to what the next year holds and the opportunities that will come my way."
2 Dec 2021 "Today I'm working on a video that is going to be an amalgamation of thoughts I've been having on the subject of self-actualization. The thought was orginally triggered by observing how I share things only when it feels good or at an emotional peak. In this context, I'm talking about art and ideas I connect to but I have noticed others sharing quotes or ideas. My assumption is this happens at an emotional peak. There's nothing wrong with that but the other part of this video explores something I've connected with from the Bo Burnham special that released earlier this year. In the special there was a brief use of that word "self-actualization" and how we share things about societal issues or attempt to contribute to a solution for our own self-actualization or to feel that emotional release and sense of accomplishment from feeling like "me re-posting this quote, this insta-story, this trend is a good thing and I am good because of it". I want to make sure it's clear, I am not a psychologist or some expert of this topic. I took one psych class in Highschool and read a few books. To be honest, at the point of writing this journal entry I'm not even sure the general consensus in the psych community is still in favor of or supports Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs but to be "meta" sharing this, creating this website, is part of my own personal self-actualization. Video should be done in the next 24 hours. Hope you like it."
17 Nov 2021 "Currently working out how to make the sites I design run faster. I feel like I have a handle on the aesthetics but performance is going to be my goal for the next few months. This redesign is an attempt and doing the work to figure it out. Hoping to have this done within a week. It's currently, 2:24 AM. To be honest, I thought I would be done by now but I had this idea to make the element you see above this one and then the idea to make a "log book journal entry type thing" and well. It's almost three now. I'm leaving this in so that once the site is done and updated I can laugh about this."
3 Nov 2021 "It’s been well over a year since I’ve written anything mostly because whenever I look at pithy statements that aren’t presented in irony it causes me to cringe and I had the same reaction whenever I designed something for most of the year. However, about halfway through the year, around August, I decided to start trying again and putting things out there even if I thought it looked horrendous the next day. This helped me get the ball rolling on this website. It started with this idea, I was going to make a bunch of stickers. Then I realized how expensive printing your own stickers was, but those 3 weeks of working out what designs I wanted, regardless of how gross I thought they looked, led me to get comfortable thinking creatively again. After abandoning, at least temporarily, the sticker idea I got to work on the site when a friend asked me to make one for him. At this point, I had already taken a course on responsive web design through freecodecamp and just passed my web design fundamentals course at my university, so I thought it was an opportune time to get some practical experience. I put my friends site on hold because I realized I actually had no central space to put my ideas out there and no real motivating force to make them come to life. So I built out a site, couldn’t figure out how to put it on the actual internet, hated how it looked, and restarted it a few times until I landed at what you’re looking at now. It seems decent to me at the moment but I know in a few months I’ll have my internal critiques and want to redesign the whole thing. Or maybe not. I want to keep adding stuff to the site like a timeline of the projects in the archive folder that’s a bit more dynamic but it’s proven really beneficial for me to just start. So my "pithy statement" if I had to choose is start trying again. ( So right there, I wanted to add “thanks for coming to my Ted Talk” but that would be masking something in irony instead of just accepting what I had to say as a valid point, but this commentary could be that too..I’ll leave this in because I’m sure others have their own internal monologues as well )"

Gordan's Bay with Bennett & Liam. This day was really special to me, featuring a leather jacket I don't really wear anymore and some Cole's coffee. For some reason, I've always enjoyed "bad" tasting gas station coffee. The boys and I were starting to realize
our time together wouldn't be the same. We decided to go here sponanteously, after an hour drive, we made it and talked on the rocks about life.

Right now my workflow has been sparatic. I think the most ideal way to work and the way I actually work is very different. Anyway, I want whatever you find on this site to add value to you so here's my ideal, again I want to preface I don't do this as often as I should but whenever I do the end product seems more put together. You have a task. Cut it down to something you can do in less than 5 min and keep cutting it down until it's broken up into tiny subtasks. So if you were to eat an apple. This might be a bad analogy because ofcourse you would just take a bite. Let's revisit this with a different analogy. If you were to clean your room. That would be the overarching task with the end goal being "clean this room" how do you do it? Step one, pick up clothes off floor. Step two, vacuum. Step three... and so on. It's pretty intuitive but the reality is more do what you feel like when you have some energy. I'm trying to follow this structure more but it's a process that takes some getting use to.
BONDI ICEBERGS - JAN 2021 - Last day in Sydney. BONDI BEACH - JAN 2021 - Last day in Sydney. PINSTACK BOWLING - MAR 2021 - Together with friends. BROOKLYN NSW - 2018 - Not that brooklyn. CHINATOWN SYDNEY - 2020 - Day out with a friend. DALLAS - 2021 - Night out with a friend. SYDNEY - 2021 - Last day at a coffee shop I frequented. SYDNEY CBD - 2019 - Friends birthday party during the bushfires. BONDI BEACH - 2017 - First sunrise photo. COOGEE BEACH - 2021 - Last day in Sydney. KATOOMBA NSW - 2017 - Mountain town. BONDI BEACH - 2021 - Last day in Sydney.